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22 December 2016

Keeping fit with Flexercise

Sponsored by Cosyfeet, Flexercise is a Somerset-based initiative that aims to promote mental health and physical well-being through regular chair-based activity.

What is Flexercise?

Flexercise is a fun, chair-based activity session run by trained volunteers in sheltered housing common rooms, active living centres and other places where older people meet. The sessions are run throughout Somerset and are sponsored by Cosyfeet.

Flexercise was originally designed to benefit older people who live in nursing homes, residential homes or sheltered housing as well as those older people that attend day care centres.

However, it now has a wider range of benefits including helping people with physical disabilities, learning difficulties and rehabilitation after a stroke. It also helps people at risk of social isolation or exclusion.

Peggy, who has Rheumatoid Arthritis, has found the exercise classes invaluable. At age 74, the condition is particularly bad in her hands, feet and knees and causes her a lot of pain. Before starting the classes she couldn’t even touch her finger with her thumb but after practising the exercises every day, her grip is improving.

“At first I was afraid,” says Peggy, “but my son took me and said 'get in there'. I was fine, and I wouldn't miss it for the world. It really helps and I feel much better about myself".

For more information about Flexercise visit
