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January 3, 2017

Not all wide fitting shoes are created equal!

Some wide fitting footwear is much roomier than others such as the extra extra wide shoes which are available from Cosyfeet.

Some wide fitting footwear is much roomier than others such as the extra extra wide shoes which are available from Cosyfeet. As well as our standard range of extra roomy footwear, which is designed to fit swollen or extra wide feet, we also have two ultra-roomy styles which are ideal if your feet are exceptionally swollen or heavily bandaged.

One of these styles is a unisex boot called Rowan. It is available in suede, which is great for wearing indoors as an alternative to slippers, or leather which is perfect for outdoor use. Designed for exceptional swelling or heavy bandaging, Rowan is ideal when nothing else fits. It’s very lightweight and adjustable and has an extra low opening so it’s easy to put on and take off a swollen foot. It’s also very easy to fasten. Despite feeling as soft as a slipper on the foot, it’s very robust and supportive.


Rowan – the unisex slipper-shoe from Cosyfeet

Jonny is another of our extra extra wide styles. It is open-toed which is ideal if you suffer with sore or problem toes. It has a secure, touch-fastening strap that can be adjusted to fit swollen or mis-shapen feet and is cushioned and softly lined for comfort. The acrylic version works well as an indoor slipper-shoe while the leather version is designed for wearing outdoors.