Launched by the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, the free ‘What’s That Bumblebee’ app lets you engage with nature in a different and fun way by bringing a three-dimensional bumblebee to virtual life in your own garden or living room, for studying in detail and with the option of capturing images to send to your family and friends.
“In these difficult times, lots of people have been appreciating nature and wanting to find out more. What’s That Bumblebee makes it easy for people of all ages to discover and identify different bumblebees visiting their gardens, outdoor spaces, parks or window boxes,” says Andy Benson, the Bumblebee Conservation Trust’s Education Officer.
The app also makes it easy for bumblebee beginners to identify which of the UK’s most common eight species of these important pollinating insects may be buzzing around their garden or local park.
The app is available for Apple and Android, and works on compatible phones and tablets. It was developed by the Trust, with National Lottery Heritage Fund support.
In total there are 24 bumblebee species in the UK, but the most common ‘Big 8’ that you are most likely to see in your garden or park are the Buff-tailed bumblebee, Common carder bee, Early bumblebee, Garden bumblebee, Heath bumblebee, Red-tailed bumblebee, Tree bumblebee and White-tailed bumblebee.
The Bumblebee Conservation Trust is our Charity of the Year. We are raising money to help fund the important work they do to address the decline in bumblebee (and other wild pollinator) populations by increasing and restoring their habitats. To find out more about the charity and read more about their app, visit