Hosting a coffee morning is a wonderful way to raise money for charity. It’s also a great opportunity to get together with neighbours, friends and family.
Top tips for a successful coffee morning:
Decide when and where
Choose a day and time that would work best for you. Lots of people host coffee mornings in their own home but you could also hold it in a local community centre, school hall or even at work.
Invite everyone you know
Invite friends, family, neighbours and work colleagues. Some people may prefer written invitations through their door while others might be happy with an email. If you’re on social media, make sure you share the event. If you want to get to know your neighbours better, this could be the perfect opportunity!
Let people know it’s a fundraising event
Make sure you tell your guests upfront that you are raising money for charity so they come prepared. Make sure you have a donation box or basket.
Get baking
Cupcakes, tray bakes, fridge slices, homemade biscuits, the list is endless. Always a popular choice, carrot cake is the perfect cake to serve at a coffee morning - click here to see our simple recipe. Offer your goodies with tea or coffee. It’s a good idea to auction or sell off any left overs at the end so make sure you have bags or boxes so people can carry it home.
Make it look beautiful
Cake stands, napkins, flowers and bunting can help to create a great atmosphere.
Want to get involved?
On 29th September, Macmillan Cancer Support is asking people to host their own coffee mornings to raise money for the charity. Last year alone they raised £29.5 million. To find out more, visit
Your own top tips
Have you hosted a successful coffee morning? We’d love to hear from you. Send your tips to and we’ll share them on social media.