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22 March 2019

Crisis 2013 - How we helped....

In December Cosyfeet donated 500 pairs of socks to the charity Crisis to be given to those who were homeless at Christmas.

Crisis is a national charity for single homeless people. Christmas can be an incredibly difficult time of year for a person cut off from family and home. Each Christmas Crisis provides companionship and support to tackle loneliness and isolation to over 4000 people as well as practical things like dental treatment, eye tests, physiotherapy and foot care.

In 2013 not only did guests at the Crisis centres receive new socks, 241 of them had their feet treated by qualified podiatrists who volunteered their time and expertise.

The pictufres below show some of the podiatrists at work and a grateful recipient.



If you would like to find out more about Crisis and the valuable work they do or are interested in volunteering visit .