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19 January 2018

December 2017 Newsletter Competition Winner

Juliet Kavanagh from London has won a Marks and Spencer Christmas Hamper for submitting our favourite Christmas memory! Well done, Juliet!

Juliet Kavanagh from London has won a Marks and Spencer Christmas Hamper for submitting our favourite Christmas memory:

"My favourite Christmas memory is waking up in the middle of the night at about 8 years old, and surreptitiously starting to open my presents to try and avoid waking my parents. It didn't work, however, and just as they came in I opened a watch, which was my main present. My parents' said that now that I knew the time I could go back to sleep until 7am, when I would be able to open the rest of my presents...looking at the watch it was 3am...that watch lasted me 30 years!"

Well done, Juliet!