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3 January 2017

January is National Hobby Month

Do you have a hobby that you’re passionate about? We asked some of customers what they enjoy doing in their spare time.

What do our customers do for fun?

The New Year is a good time to start new projects or learn a new craft so it makes sense that January is National Hobby Month.

Taking up new hobbies at this time of year can play an important role in keeping us stimulated and energetic and prevent feelings of lethargy and depression. Hobbies also help us to maintain a sense of identity. Research shows that people who enjoy hobbies live longer, have stronger marriages and adjust to changes in lifestyle, such as parenthood or retirement, more positively.

In a recent questionnaire, we asked some of our customers what they like doing in their spare time. This is a list of the hobbies they say they enjoy the most:

  • Reading
  • Sewing/Cross Stitch
  • Gardening
  • Puzzles/Crosswords
  • Walking
  • Jigsaws
  • Baking


Do you have a pastime you’re really passionate about? Or do you have an unusual hobby? We’d love to hear about it.