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14 December 2016

The Big Knit

Enjoy knitting? Fancy raising money for Age UK? Then why not get involved in ‘The Big Knit 2012’. All you have to do is knit bobble hats which will appear on innocent smoothies in Sainsbury’s stores.

Can you knit? Would you like to join the Age UK campaign? All you have to do is knit little bobble hats which will appear on Innocent smoothies in Sainsbury’s stores. Age UK receive a donation for every smoothie hat knitted. Money raised by The Big Knit allows them to help older people stay fit, healthy and active during the winter months and keep their homes warm. It’s a campaign they’ve have been running since 2004 in conjunction with innocent smoothies and Sainsbury’s and since it started it's raised over £1 million. Happy knitting!

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