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1 March 2019

Make Your Own Foot Spa!

Over the winter months we tend to forget about our feet. Now that warmer weather is hopefully on the way, why not get your feet sandal-ready with your own homemade foot spa!

Over the winter months we tend to forget about our feet. Now that warmer weather is hopefully on the way, why not get your feet sandal-ready with your own homemade foot spa.

1. Set up a bowl of warm water. Add some scented bubble bath, bath oil or foot soak and mix it in. Our Botanical Foot Soak is perfect for soothing tired or painful feet after a long day. It contains B5, a renowned moisturiser and skin softener, Tea Tree Oil for its antiseptic properties, Lavender Oil to cleanse and soothe and Geranium Oil for its soothing effect on all skin types.

Foot Spa

2. Soak your feet for five to ten minutes then dry them thoroughly using a clean, soft towel.

3. Clip your toenails to a suitable length using appropriate toenail clippers, such as our Professional Nail Clippers. Guide the clippers straight across the nail of each toe and avoid cutting nails into a curved shape. Don't cut your nails too short as it can encourage ingrown toenails. It can also leave your toenails susceptible to infection.

4. Massage your feet using a rich balm or cream such as our Manuka and Mint Foot Balm. The combination of natural Manuka and Mint helps stabilise the skin and provides potent anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties along with the wonderful soothing qualities of peppermint.

Manuka & Mint Foot Balm